React Agency

More Performance with React Agency and Headless CMS Agency

The success of a company hinges on the positive performance of its website. Today, the digital transformation is very advanced and requires new technological solutions. Different channels, different devices and structures have to be supplied with content simultaneously and the keyword here is omnichannel marketing. The development of component-based user interfaces, via Headless CMS for instance, is becoming the focus of a React agency such as the Ruess Group.

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Headless CMS is the focus of a React Agency

In the past, a well-structured, user-friendly classic website was enough to effectively present yourself in the virtual world. Today, the digital transformation is well advanced and calling for new, more impactful technological solutions. Content distribution processes are increasingly controlled by so-called omnichannel marketing. Different channels and a variety of devices and structures need to be supplied with content simultaneously. The development of component-based user interfaces is becoming the focus of React Agencies such as the Ruess Group.

Key word: Headless CMS provides the technological possibilities to multiply content simply, efficiently and making it available everywhere – in line with changing consumer and communication behaviours.

Maximum flexibility for performance-oriented communication

Maximum flexibility for performance-oriented communication

Compared to the conventional alternative, a “headless” CMS dispenses entirely with the front-end and focuses instead on the back-end. Using a standard API interface, content can be set and retrieved in its purest form from any device or system. This can be done in a way that is straightforward and without creative restrictions, a fixed framework or other layout specifications – which ensures maximum creative freedom for daily users, as well as for programmers and designers.

The unique feature is that all participants can work with the system of their choice and use their preferred programming language. Due to the “headless” approach, the content can be used on an iOS app, an Android app, as well as on every platform and technology imaginable, making it an extremely interesting option for mobile and web developers. All technologies can be easily combined and operated via the same back-end. At the same time, this outstanding flexibility creates an excellent platform for adapting digital applications to future and perhaps currently unknown requirements.

The perfect opportunity for a professional React Agency

With all the advantages that a Headless CMS offers, one thing should not be forgotten: Good planning and consulting are half the battle, and represent the basic prerequisite for successful implementation and execution. As a comprehensively positioned digital agency, the Ruess Group specialises in React-based programming of interactive user interfaces. It doesn’t shy away from discussions about the sense or nonsense of converting an existing CMS to a “headless” version. For example, if it would only be used for the operation of a website, the cost-benefit analysis doesn’t point towards significant real added value. In order to assess this properly and to ensure that we find the best solution in each individual case, we are more th

Our service modules in detail include:

Technology consulting
Software concept development
UX engineering & UI design
System architecture & integration
Progressive web app development

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