Success for your company
Content marketing agency: Content is king & content makes kings
“Content is king,” says Bill Gates. And the kingmaker? Well, that’s the content marketing agency. For many years now, customers and consumers have been getting tired of traditional marketing methods. Decades of advertising bombardment have made them resistant to more conventional types of communication.
Thank goodness for the internet and social media! This is where content marketing, content marketing strategies and content marketing agencies play an important role in convincing and retaining customers in the long term.
In short, a content marketing agency creates high-quality, informative content for the target group that meets their needs, and distributes it via the relevant channels using social media marketing. In this respect, content marketing is the art of establishing a dialogue with users on relevant topics. High-quality content has to satisfy the recipients’ need for information and dialogue so that they do not abandon the customer journey.
Content that is seen, liked, shared and converts interested parties into customers – this is the task of a content marketing agency which consists of strategists, creatives, editors and social marketers with the relevant expertise. We at the Ruess Group are just that – a content marketing agency – for our national and international clients.
Your contact for content marketing
Content marketing, briefly explained
Content marketing is a type of marketing that aims to increase awareness and reach for products, brands and companies among the desired target group through online and offline content.
The content can consist of texts, images, videos or audios that are distributed on websites, blogs, social media or traditional communication channels. The goals of content marketing are an increase in website traffic, more conversions, better rankings on Google and other search engines, and much more.
Content marketing: Goals
Content marketing activities are a key component of digital marketing and pursue a wide range of objectives, with brand strengthening often taking centre stage. The specific objectives vary depending on the corporate strategy:
Improving branding: Companies can sustainably improve their image and reputation through targeted content creation. This leads to increased brand awareness and an extended reach.
Increasing conversions: Effective content marketing can significantly increase the number of visitors to a website. This results in a higher probability of conversions as more potential customers are reached.
Search engine optimisation: High-quality content improves a website’s visibility in the search results of search engines such as Google. This is a decisive success factor in digital marketing.
Strengthening customer loyalty: With relevant and appealing content, customers can be retained by the company in the long term. This promotes loyalty and converts occasional buyers into loyal repeat customers.
Acquiring new customers: Content marketing is an effective tool for lead generation. Attractive content can open up new target groups for products or services and expand the customer base.
Initiating dialogue and interaction: Appropriate, target group-oriented content in the context of digital marketing promotes dialogue and interaction with the target group. This not only improves the customer relationship, but also positively impacts search engine rankings – as Google favours interactive and relevant content.
Content Marketing: Channels
Company website and blog:
LinkedIn and Xing:
X, formerly Twitter:

Content Marketing: Content marketing: Success through high-quality content
In today’s digital world, companies and content creation agencies are increasingly recognising the importance of high-quality content for establishing and maintaining customer relationships. However, as we all know, it’s a challenge to capture the attention of users in a highly competitive market.
Success can only be achieved by clearly standing out from the competition. This requires outstanding content, created by experienced content marketing agencies – based on a targeted strategy, seo strategy and a well-thought-out concept that is convincing on all levels.
In addition to the specific requirements of different formats and channels such as social media, emails or podcasts, there are fundamental factors that make up high-quality digital content:
Relevance for the target group
Satisfying needs
Expertise and trustworthiness
A targeted approach
The right scope
Adaptation to the channel
Achieving goals and measuring success
Content marketing is more than just content
Of course, good content is the goal of all content marketing. Without the right, targeted content at every point of the customer journey, valuable leads will be lost and the measures will prove to be nothing much more than art for art’s sake.
In this respect, content always needs to be to the point, up-to-date, relevant, well-structured and edited – easy to consume and prepared by an SEO content agency for search engines in such a way that it is easy to find.
But there is a lot for a content marketing agency to do before it gets that far. Beginning with the target group analysis, the selection of channels, determining the necessary budget and resources all the way through to defining the KPIs for controlling.
A content marketing agency should not be a single specialist, but a large organisation consisting of a media agency, data warehouse, film and photo production and a few more departments.
We at the Ruess Group are such an organisation. For ambitious clients such as Bosch and Mercedes-Benz as well as big names in technical systems engineering such as Schubert. For companies with ambitious goals and that continue to grow year after year.