Schubert 50th anniversary gala


Schubert Group


Since 1973

50 years of Schubert – the milestone was celebrated against an emotional and compelling backdrop. In a specially converted assembly hall in Crailsheim, company founder Gerhard Schubert and his entire family celebrated the anniversary along with 1,200 selected guests and internationally renowned violinist David Garrett and the SWR Big Band.

Gerhard Schubert is giving a speech on stage at a corporate event, with a girl in a red dress standing next to him.

A milestone in the company’s history

Gehard Schubert, seen in a suit at his corporate event for the Schubert company.
  • 1,200 guests
  • Location: a redesigned assembly hall at the Schubert site
  • With David Garrett and the SRW Big Band
  • Concept, planning, realisation entirely by the Ruess Group
An aeroplane can be seen against the clouds, trailing a banner with the inscription "50 years of Schubert Danke SFG".


A corporate event organised by Schubert. 1200 people listen intently to the music of David Garrett.
A backing singer, illuminated by the stage lights, smiles at the crowd.
A camerawoman stands in front of a live camera, one hand holding the remote, the other hand holding the zoom wheel. The woman is looking intently at the camera monitor. She is filming a corporate event.
People dancing classically at a corporate event.
The presenter of a corporate event laughs into the camera.
David Garret plays the violin at a corporate event, surrounded by people.

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