Action takes the right mindset
Our sustainability strategy | Ruess Group
Credibility and reliability are two of the most important values that we as an agency can offer our clients. We are especially committed to this mindset when it comes to the sensitive issue of sustainability. This is why we have such high standards for our own actions and set ourselves tangible, verifiable goals when it comes to our sustainability strategy.
Since 2021, we have been one of the few climate-neutral agencies in Germany, as certified by Fokus Zukunft – a Germany-based sustainability consultancy.
To this end, we commissioned a detailed calculation of our carbon footprint and we offset what we have not yet been able to avoid with an officially recognised offsetting project – in accordance with the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) concept.
From the Fokus Zukunft guideline:
The Clean Development Mechanism concept of the United Nations, which was developed within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol, is currently, in the opinion of Fokus Zukunft, the most sustainable way to compensate for unavoidable emissions and to make a very significant contribution to achieving the 1.5°C target of the Paris Climate Agreement.
But this isn’t enough for us. We are continuously working on further reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to become entirely climate-neutral even without offsetting. We also view sustainability not only in terms of environmental protection or in the area of corporate social responsibility, but also in terms of our overarching corporate responsibility. This holistic sustainability strategy ranges from compliance and equality in the workplace to sponsoring charitable projects in our community. And we have already set the next set of goals for ourselves.

What the neo-ecology megatrend has to do with it
Greenwashing is out. And if the EU Commission has its way, it may soon even be banned by law. Communication and marketing are still important sustainability levers for companies, but there have to be hard facts behind them. Because what awaits us all is nothing less than a paradigm shift in values:
The noticeable effects of global warming and the global Fridays for Future initiative are focusing attention on sustainability and climate protection across all segments of the population. Environmental awareness is evolving from individual purchasing decisions and lifestyles to a movement that affects society as a whole. Climate-conscious action is becoming a fundamental economic and competitive factor among consumers, employees, specialists and managers, institutions, politicians and the public discussion of values.
Sustainability represents a paradigm shift that establishes a new ethos and touches every area of our everyday lives – succinctly summarised by the Zukunftsinstitut as the “neo-ecology megatrend”.
Only on this neo-ecological basis can companies survive the fundamental transformation to a climate-neutral world and, at best, even help shape it. This applies all the more to us as a marketing, communications and consulting agency. And this is why
- we strive for complete climate neutrality,
- we are continuously expanding our expertise on the subject,
- we focus on the younger generation,
- we closely examine the meaningfulness and purpose of our work,
- we advise and support our clients on their sustainable journey.
Where we now stand as a sustainable agency
Talk alone isn’t enough to protect the climate.
That’s why we decided to take action a few years ago and started by critically examining our own behaviour. Since then, we have been working on continuously improving ourselves and gradually involving the entire team in this development.
How we reduce CO2 and save resources
- Since 2022, we have been gradually exchanging our combustion cars for hybrid vehicles that can be charged at our site. We now use four vehicles.
- We undertake fewer and more environmentally conscious business trips and pay close attention to CO2 compensation.
- We promote commuting to work by public transport with job tickets.
- Since spring 2022, we have reduced the room temperature in our agencies by up to 2°C.
- We use green electricity.
- We have replaced all fluorescent tubes in our spaces with LED lights.
- We use durable materials in our office equipment.
- Through digitalisation, we have reduced the consumption of paper in the agency by approximately 20%.
- We use tap water instead of expensive mineral water bottles and drink fair-trade organic coffee.
How we offset CO2
That is why we are supporting a 300 megawatt solar energy project in Rajasthan, India. In this way, unused solar potential is made accessible and the technology is also spread further in this region. And the solar park will save almost 700,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in the future.
What our next goals are
- We are consistently expanding our consulting expertise and our sustainability business unit in view of leveraging our expertise in the interest of climate protection.
- We are driving forward the electrification of our company vehicle fleet to further reduce our CO2 emissions.
- We promote climate-friendly commuting by offering all employees a public transport job ticket.
- We are increasing the proportion of women in our management positions for even more equality within the team.
What sustainable team management means to us
Without a strong team, there can be no strong results – which is why we trust in the skills and sense of responsibility of our experts. This results not only in great freedom of action and decision-making in all our projects, but also in a high level of participation in agency management and development.
We encourage and promote the qualification and personal development of every team member and aim to motivate them through challenging tasks, new perspectives and fair pay. Equality in every position, in every team, in every task is a given for us – our project-based teams are put together solely according to requirements, skills and capacities.
We live all this every day with an inspiring mix of young and experienced people across our agency divisions – from interns and dual students to senior editors and creative directors.

What makes our jobs so special
Another management responsibility is the issue of compliance. Here, for example, we pay the utmost attention to occupational health & safety and anti-corruption rules.
We also offer other services to our employees in the context of sustainable human resource management:
- Mobile work
- Flexitime
- The possibility of part-time work
- The possibility of parental leave
- Modern technical equipment
- Pleasant working environment
These offerings and our openness to flexibly managing the daily demands between family and agency put our team members, and not just their work, in the foreground.
We are especially pleased that our employees share our mindset and voted us an attractive employer on Kununu 2023 – for the second time in a row.

Where we are socially committed
Our expertise
We have many years of know-how in the key area of sustainability. Our experience covers sustainability strategy, sustainability communication, sustainability audits, reputation management and corporate social responsibility (CSR), PR and marketing support.
We are always up to date on new legislation, social trends or challenges in the industry. Whether as a member of sustainability committees, working groups, as speakers or workshop organisers. For example, we are represented in the German Association of Communication Agencies (GWA) as well as in the Economic Senate and within the packaging industry in the Packaging Valley network.
We also invest heavily in the ongoing professional development of our team, for example by training them to become certified sustainability managers and by offering a wide range of advanced training courses in seminars and at leading trade conventions.