Building your digital business

App agency for digital product development

It’s a fact that scalable platforms, APIs and flexible solutions bring businesses more revenue while delivering greater flexibility and speed. The technology behind these developments should no longer be a burden, but instead a competitive advantage for successfully building your digital business. In other words: first-class digital customer experiences. Putting your business at the forefront of technology and your sector environment.

Your contact to app development

Robust and scalable

Success through digital product development

We can support you in developing and implementing effective digital solutions that deliver real economic and other business benefits.

With over 20 years of experience in leading-edge technology development and integration, we continue to evolve microservice-based API architectures that maximize flexibility and reuse of data across many channels. This includes training on various tools, processes and technologies to further strengthen your business and build your internal handling expertise. You can leverage our extensive knowledge of key digital technology platforms such as many different content management systems, commerce solutions and digital experience platforms.

And yet we are anything but unapproachable computer nerds: Beyond technical implementation, we will help you migrate the platform, train your teams, introduce governance frameworks and drive adoption across your entire organization – both nationally and internationally in all your relevant markets. Our team of experts and QA analysts specialize in a wide variety of accessibility, device and functional testing, and operate to the highest security standards at all stages of each development project. Take a closer look at our digital product development services, or simply contact us directly.

Our strength: We offer holistic solutions and lighten your load

  • Strategic: Our experienced tech team helps you align your digital projects with your sales, marketing and brand strategies.
  • Sound: We only use robust and well-tested architectures for the development of digital products.
  • Open to technology: We look for the most suitable solution for each specific project and are always open to new technologies.
  • Long-term: Software resilience is an indispensable characteristic for any scalable, high-performance and fault-tolerant software. This is why our well-versed software developers take unforeseeable situations into account as much as possible when programming. This fault tolerance is then implemented in the code or at the infrastructure level.
Overarching tasks & goals

Strategic expertise as an agency for app development

For the current and future success of companies, we as an app agency put users and their needs in the spotlight of our digital projects. We support companies with the following tasks, among others:

Digital Transformation

We provide consulting and operational support for your digital change processes. Together, we leverage your business model, products and services to deliver the best possible benefits for your customers and put your company on a firm footing for the future. However, digital transformation can also mean having to develop new business models and services. We keep an overview for you and consider the different perspectives of the development department or purchasing department in the process, which contribute decisive insights on the topics of key activities and key partners. Internal focus groups also provide initial feedback on new business and product ideas.

Solution Architecture

Create a foundational architecture to solve your business challenges and ensure compatibility with your ecosystems.

Security Consulting

From FinTech to eCommerce, eLearning to HealthCare, our Security Services help you best protect business processes, technologies and data.

DevOps & QA Services

QA serves as a bridge between development and operations, implementing the collaborative mechanism at the heart of DevOps. Testers are involved in brainstorming sessions early on. Also, developers run unit tests on their own code before contributing it to the main code base.


Operational capabilities as an app agency

Our focus is on digital projects that have very specific requirements in terms of architecture and scalability, such as is the case with app development and app programming. The overall goal is always to develop digital experiences that inspire your users and customers and bring them reliably to their destination. Products with intuitive user guidance, inspiring functions and an authentic visual appearance.


Whether corporate websites, career websites, landing pages or microsites: Our digital experts develop well-conceived and compelling websites that help you reach your target groups with pinpoint accuracy.

Web & Mobile App-Engineering

With speed and agility being more important than ever, the key to success is digitalizing specific business processes – not attempting a complete digital overhaul of your IT systems. The right web and app strategies enable rapid, scalable development and help gain more visibility and actionable data about your users’ digital experiences.


A successful e-commerce strategy is based on the 360° customer journey and focuses on their wants and needs. Consumers who want to shop anywhere, anytime, while moving from device to device and channel to channel. From desktops and smartphones to wearables, home assistants and social media, with so many digital touchpoints, it’s important that your business is at the forefront of e-commerce developments and right at the starting gate as soon as a new sales trend or channel emerges.

Emerging Technologies

We humans are already highly digitalized and navigate in completely networked worlds. New emerging technologies are constantly appearing, changing our everyday lives just as much as entire companies and ultimately the global economy. The early bird catches the worm here: if you want to be the first to reap the rewards of an expanding digital ecosystem, you had better be the fastest in your industry. Which is why our interdisciplinary creative, data and tech teams are always on the lookout for the hottest innovations, and can design and build an industry-leading experience for your company in line with the most important emerging trends.

Immersive Technologies

Delight your users – with immersive user experiences. Augmented and virtual reality applications connect the digital and physical worlds in many different potential applications and formats. 


Customer experience (CX) platforms drive conversion and keep your customers coming back. Searching for information, products, services, evaluating specifications, reviewing delivery options: Each stage is an opportunity to engage and attract customers and keep them with your company on their journey to purchase. This is exactly why your customer experience platform should allow you to orchestrate personalized experiences across all channels.


Works as app agency

All disciplines
website / digital
Photo of an opened laptop with an open website for the web presence.

BDtronic innovative web tools

Digital consumer behaviour calls for more application flexibility.

website / digital
Mockup of the website of the start-up Flip, developed by the website development company Ruess Group.

Flip app website development

UX design, UI design and back-end development for a headless CMS website. The latest design language linked with current web technology. The new website for the Stuttgart-based Flip start-up offers users an exciting user experience and preliminary information about Flip’s employee app.


Analyses printed on paper with green leaves and a light green arrow held by a man and pointing upwards.

CRSD & sustainability reporting obligations: Why companies should act now

02.11.2023. / 6 min read

EU regulations are demanding sustainability, but still many companies seem to believe they have all the time in the world. But now is the time to act! As sustainability marketing experts, we will guide you through the transformation process, because it’s a challenging one. Find out why sustainability is a management responsibility and how you can meet your sustainability reporting obligations.

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Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake

Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake

09.10.2023. / 10 min read

When managing and analysing data, users have a choice between two approaches: the huge storage pool for structured and unstructured data (data lake) and the data warehouse – a centralised, structured database. Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages and the choice greatly depends on a company’s specific requirements and objectives. We have taken a look at both approaches and will help you differentiate between them.

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Adjacent areas

Immersive customer experiences

Immersive customer experiences

Increasing virtualization holds enormous opportunities and potential for user experiences. Via virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality, users are even more emotionally triggered and bound to a brand.

Our team of experts has further digital know-how:

Tools & Partnerships

App development tools

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Would you like to find out more about us as an app development agency?

Just send us your questions and your goals. We would be happy to prepare for a first meeting to get to know you better.