Experience Design

Testing, Evaluation & Optimisation

User-centred experiences are indispensable to the success of your digital product. Through regular user testing and optimisation, you can ensure that your website is customised to the needs and preferences of your target group and is constantly being improved.

Your contact for Testing, Evaluation & Optimisation

Susann Höpel 

Susann Hoepel

Consultant Digital Projects


Our expertise in testing, evaluation & optimisation

Regularly optimised websites will lead to a better conversion rate while increasing the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers.

User Testing

In user testing, we ask real people to try out our digital product and give transparent feedback on how it can be used and whether it meets their needs and expectations. We conduct user testing at different stages of the development process, depending on requirements. In an ideal project, we involve the future users right from the beginning and go through concept development, creation and prototyping with them. The results of testing can be used to identify problems and make design decisions that improve usability and user experience. It is important to conduct periodic user testing to ensure that the product meets the needs and expectations of the users.

Heatmaps & Scrollmaps

We use heatmaps and scrollmaps to optimise the user experience to the greatest extent possible. By analysing our digital products in detail, we can gain accurate insights into what interests and appeals to our users – to deliver more relevant, exciting content to users in the future. We can uncover challenges and problems that hinder the user experience – and eliminate these problems. It is only through these analyses that we succeed in developing your ideal product.


Crazyegg is an analysis and optimisation tool that helps us understand the behaviour of your website visitors. We use heatmaps, scrollmaps, A/B testing, conversion tracking and other features to identify website challenges and develop solutions. With Crazyegg, we can analyse exactly where users click most often and what content they skip. The insights gained then help us create better content and improve the user experience over the long term.


Digital projects

All disciplines
website / digital
Schubert sustainability microsite

Schubert sustainability microsite

“Mission Blue” is the name of Schubert’s new Sustainability Initiative, which bundles all activities relating to sustainability. The new microsite is the focal point of all communications across all channels, externally and internally at Schubert. Concept, design, technology and editing – all from a single source – made by Ruess Group.

website / digital
Schubert Group Homepage in Macbook

Schubert international corporate website

Schubert’s new corporate website is the communication hub for all external and internal channels – state-of-the-art in terms of technology, content strategy and analytics. Available in several languages and encompassing roughly 650 individual pages per language. In spite of its overwhelming size, it is extremely intuitive to use: Specific content can be found quickly thanks to AI-based search options. Concept, design, technology and editorial work are all from a single source – “made by the Ruess Group”.

Your contact for testing, evaluation & optimisation

Send in your questions and your objectives to us. We will be happy to prepare for a first meeting.

Susann Höpel 

Susann Hoepel

Consultant Digital Projects

More Experience Design services

Abstract image for user research analysis, shows a play of light in different brightness levels.

User Research & Analysis

Good user research lays the groundwork for a successful user experience. Our services include UX audits, benchmarking, user interviews and much more.

Abstract image for digitalagentur konzeption shows a play of light in different brightness levels.

Architecture & Concept

Before you proceed to the final design of a digital product, you need to define the architecture. To this end, we use a variety of methodologies such as user flows, information architecture and wireframes.

Abstract graphic that resembles a starry sky in different colors.

User Interface & Prototyping

What was analysed and defined in the first steps comes to life in this design phase. Based on UI design, design systems and interactive prototypes.

Abstract graphic on the subject of website content, on which you can see the shadow of a person and splashes of colour.

Editorial Work, Graphics & Development

We offer you the perfect combination of substantive content, appealing design & technical excellence for your digital product – with editors, graphic designers and developers working closely together.